" SpiritofSaltSpring:BC:Canada:GulfIslands:SaltSpring:Salt Spring:

September 30, 2024

Salt Spring Island's American sister: Vashon Island

I first went to Vashon Island, which is a 22-minute ferry ride out of downtown Seattle from Pier 50, in 2018. The water taxi only runs on weekdays and it may just be an experiment at this point, but otherwise, you can take the Fauntleroy Ferry off the island and arrive in West Seattle in less than 10 minutes and then catch the Rapid C line back into downtown Seattle and vice versa.
Because I like to travel on the cheap, which is never cheap anymore, I stayed at the American Hostel Hotel in the International District, in a single room which, even though it's a hostel still costs almost $100 US a night. I like this hostel because it's super organized, close to transportation, and clean with strict rules about not allowing guests who aren't checked in.

The first time I went to Vashon Island I stayed with Sally at her super cute yellow house near Dockton on Maury Island which connects to Vashon by road. At that time, she had her beloved beagle, Elinor, and had just adopted a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy named Daisy who was super cute.  Sally was very hospitable so it was nice to see her again for coffee at one of the island's coffee shops called Minglement or the Vashon Island Coffee Roasterie, during this visit.

This time I stayed in a more than 100 year old Inn called Marjesira that was apparently built before there were roads on the island. At one time it was a country store. It's now owned by a woman who has lived on island for more than 38 years. On my way over, I met a woman who has lived here for 50 years. I feel like there are some long time islanders and then some new ones who are exploring their dreams, renovating old houses that will scare them by emptying their piggy banks to the very last penny.

Here's the thing about islands like Vashon and Salt Spring. I'll give you just one example of old world goodness.

I had been to the bookstore and bought two books. A Mary Oliver book on poetry and a book called Wanderers: A History of Women Walking.  While waiting for the 118 bus on a bench, a very friendly guy sat down and because he was so chatty, when I got up to get on the bus, I was distracted and left my books on the bench. It wasn't until I got back to Marjesira that I realized I'd left my books somewhere. I decided to put a note on the Vashon Island Facebook page and within minutes of posting that,  a woman sent me a message saying she had picked them up. We arranged for her to drop them back off at the bookstore where I'd purchased them, so I could get them back proving that Facebook can be useful and that of course there are still honest people in the world.

Because I didn't have a car, I didn't get to see the 20 foot Thomas Dambo troll near the Pt. Robinson Lighthouse.

I went to the Dragon's Head Cidery and although I'm not really a cider person, I did get a tasting and had a delicious appetizer for lunch of hummus, watercress, baked pumpkin seeds, braised red onion and pita chips. Loved the taste of those combinations. I also stopped by Pop Pop, and spoke with the very friendly owner/bartender who was super knowledgeable about craft beers and even has a refrigerator full of beers just labelled "weird beer." They sell wine there as well and non alcoholic drinks. And real food like their teriyaki chicken.

If you're in Seattle, it's a quick trip to Vashon and back for a daytrip to the island if you are so inclined. You can even rent an e-bike there. 

And if you're a Vashon Islander, you need to visit Salt Spring, your Canadian sister island. 

September 21, 2024

The real people in my book: At One with an Island: Salt Spring Revisited

Pauline McDonald
Marjorie and Mike Lane, Ruckle Heritage Farm
Abey and Matt Scaglione and sons, Ruckle Heritage Farm
the late Gwen Ruckle
Will Gerlach
Lotte Kristensen (Denmark)
the late Mac Rymal
Dr. Leila Kulpas
Karin (Marita) Jones
The Kuisma family (Finland)
Wendy and Derrick Milton
Gail Sjuberg
Tom and Linda James
Gwen Litchfield
Lisa Wolfe
Karen McDiarmid
Sharon Bailey and Robert McTavish
Tom Walker
Suzanne Archer
 the late Tom Martin
Jack Woodward (KC)
Len Brown
Paul Stewart
Rob Scheres
Bruce Wood
the late Bruce Creswick
Thorsten Baumeister (New Zealand)
Rob Pingle
Keith Picot
Mona Fertig
Harry Burton
Rachel Vadeboncoeur
Gillean Proctor
Lisa Lloyd
Amy Melious
Michela Sorrentino
Jan Smith
Wesley Clark
Eric McLay
Dave French and Kelly Waters
the late Marjorie Martin
the late Margaret Haines
Jaqueline Landeen and Pacino
Palu Rainbow Song
Murray a.k.a. as The Man with the Can
the late Thomas Ayers, Grade 5 teacher
Sheila Price, Grade 7 teacher
Lorne Tippett
Phyllis Haruko (Oikawa) Vavra
the late Tomoko (Toni) Oikawa
Lorna Cammaert
Richard Shanks
Neil and Beth England
Mrs. Larkin, New Westminster piano teacher from my childhood
the late Jean and James Campbell of Saturna Island
the late James Cameron Mavor 
the late Irene Johanna (Bedwell) Mavor
my late sister, Heather (Mavor) Carruthers
plus, a few name changes for real people
and me of course!

P.S. While focused on the writing, I hadn't realize how many people in the book have now departed this earthly realm. They are still very much alive in my memories.

Available only on Amazon 


September 15, 2024

Memoir akin to therapy

Writing a memoir is a bit like therapy, except you have to decipher the meanings of experiences and thoughts and feelings all by yourself.

Just like in life when you wake up one day and think, MMM? I'm not so sure this is working and you take the leap to try therapy, it can be the same for memoir writing. You write stuff down, and then it's best to let it sit a day or two and you go back to it and then think, no, that's not what I meant to say. That sounds strange. There's more there. Try again. In the end, there may not be enough time in your lifetime to get it onto the page how you ultimately and ideally wished for. But it's the process that matters.

I'm not claiming I managed to finally get at the core of it in my soon to be released memoir about my time on Salt Spring, At One with an Island: Salt Spring Revisited, but towards the end, I was feeling as if I was getting a sense of that peeling the layers of an onion experience to a much greater degree than when I started.

Instead of just retelling an experience from Point A to Point B, there was a lot more questioning about the journey. Like why is Salt Spring so important to me? Why is Ruckle Park so significant to me? What about consistency of place now matters to me and why? 

I know that some say to write an interesting memoir, you have to touch upon the universal within your particular story. That may be one of the biggest challenges. Why should anyone care about your story at all? Well, they won't. Unless you can find a way to attach to something they might also be experiencing or have experienced, to unearth some nugget of universal truth; to provide some insight.

For the longest time, I used to hang on every word that successful writers shared about their writing process. In the past few years I've stopped doing that. 

It makes sense to just accept that you are truly on your own unique journey, no matter how many hangers-on you may or may not have along for the ride. Their journey is not yours. Other writers will undoubtedly have some nuggets of wisdom to share, but in the end, it's that unique understanding of your own inner world and your own personal history, finding courage, and exploiting the version that is yours and yours alone that you must get at to tell your own story.

And then, let the consequences fall where they may.