If you like to plan ahead, (especially since this year is just whizzing by at warp speed) there's no better time to go to Saltspring Island than September.
School is back in so it's a little more peaceful in Ganges. The weather is as perfect as it will ever get in BC, and the Fall Festival is like nothing you'll ever experience in the city.
Then, there's the Apple Festival on Sunday, September 28th from 9-5, beginning at Fulford Hall and with 15 orchards participating. This year's theme is red-flesh apples. I had never even heard of such a thing, apples with red, not white flesh, inside.
In Spring, take a break in March and celebrate International Women's Day by taking in the weekend-long Documentary Film Festival.
It's been at least 18 years since I first visited and I'm in love with the place!