I don't know the background information on this sculpture but when I look at it, to me, it represents female strength, inner peace, personal assurance.
How do we get to that state? Any of us? Men? Women? Some people seem to be born with that natural inner confidence. Or perhaps they were raised in an environment that helped them develop it, didn't give them any reason to doubt themselves to any great degree. But, I expect that's true for only a very few lucky souls.
The rest of us perhaps have taken the circuitous route to belief in self and then sometimes, if you're like me, it feels like you pretty much completed an obstacle course, as if life's experiences have been sand grinding away at what could be an invisible pearl and even though you've come a long way Baby as the saying goes, at the core of my being, there is still the ever present question mark not about personal worth (not anymore) but about a significant creative idea that I have and how to share it. How to put it out into the world in a way that represents my strength and engages others as I envision.
When you figure out that life is not about acummulating money (any more than is necessary for independence) then the only thing left is an attempt to make your journey here meaningful in some way - through relationships or Love in the broadest sense of that word, through art or music, through giving of yourself in service, through sharing of some innate talent that is unique to you and you alone. But, after you've honed that, there comes a time when it makes sense to put it out there; to stop hiding.
So, in case you're confused - what the hell is she talking about - the truth is, this post is a selfish little message. It's like a pep talk to myself that is something along the lines of that saying "feel the fear and do it anyway" in relation to an idea that I have. So here are a few of the things I feel I need to tell myself. If you have any more, feel free to share them through comments below.
1. Write down your idea and trust that intention planted in the subconscious will create "lucky accidents" in the form of people, places and opportunities.
2. Make a detailed plan about how to bring your plan to fruition.
3. Test the waters in small ways but continue to dream about the biggest possibilities.
4. Figure out which skills you may be lacking and either develop them or collaborate with another person who has complementary skills, compatible temperament and a sympatico of understanding about your creative vision.
5. Remind yourself that perfection is nonexistent and that you are the right person to make this happen.
6. Accept that because it is an idea that has come from you and you are unique that the way it gets translated can't help but be unique.
7. Find a trusted and objective confidante as mentor/advisor.
8. Be open to accepting that the original idea may go through a variety of permutations and these could in fact be advantageous and necessary.
9. Expect to feel trepidation. Breathe.
10. Acknowledge all progress.