" SpiritofSaltSpring:BC:Canada:GulfIslands:SaltSpring:Salt Spring:

September 21, 2024

The real people in my book: At One with an Island: Salt Spring Revisited

Pauline McDonald
Marjorie and Mike Lane, Ruckle Heritage Farm
Abey and Matt Scaglione and sons, Ruckle Heritage Farm
the late Gwen Ruckle
Will Gerlach
Lotte Kristensen (Denmark)
the late Mac Rymal
Dr. Leila Kulpas
Karin (Marita) Jones
The Kuisma family (Finland)
Wendy and Derrick Milton
Gail Sjuberg
Tom and Linda James
Gwen Litchfield
Lisa Wolfe
Karen McDiarmid
Sharon Bailey and Robert McTavish
Tom Walker
Suzanne Archer
 the late Tom Martin
Jack Woodward (KC)
Len Brown
Paul Stewart
Rob Scheres
Bruce Wood
the late Bruce Creswick
Thorsten Baumeister (New Zealand)
Rob Pingle
Keith Picot
Mona Fertig
Harry Burton
Rachel Vadeboncoeur
Gillean Proctor
Lisa Lloyd
Amy Melious
Michela Sorrentino
Jan Smith
Wesley Clark
Eric McLay
Dave French and Kelly Waters
the late Marjorie Martin
the late Margaret Haines
Jaqueline Landeen and Pacino
Palu Rainbow Song
Murray a.k.a. as The Man with the Can
the late Thomas Ayers, Grade 5 teacher
Sheila Price, Grade 7 teacher
Lorne Tippett
Phyllis Haruko (Oikawa) Vavra
the late Tomoko (Toni) Oikawa
Lorna Cammaert
Richard Shanks
Neil and Beth England
Mrs. Larkin, New Westminster piano teacher from my childhood
the late Jean and James Campbell of Saturna Island
the late James Cameron Mavor 
the late Irene Johanna (Bedwell) Mavor
my late sister, Heather (Mavor) Carruthers
plus, a few name changes for real people
and me of course!

P.S. While focused on the writing, I hadn't realize how many people in the book have now departed this earthly realm. They are still very much alive in my memories.

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