" SpiritofSaltSpring:BC:Canada:GulfIslands:SaltSpring:Salt Spring:

January 11, 2008

Deja vu in the Pool

My friend Kelly has returned from almost a decade away first in Hong Kong and then New Zealand. I met her originally at the Kerrisdale Community Centre pool in the mid 90s where we used to have a lot of laughs doing aqua fit with seniors.

Ya. We really know how to party! Whoo hoo! Want to feel better about yourself? Start hanging out with 80 year olds. Look how fit I am. I can walk without a walker!

We learned after one of our first meetings that we had both graduated from Langara’s journalism program about a decade or more apart. She's nine years younger than me and had the wisdom to go into the program right after highschool whereas I apparently chose to strengthen my character first by doing mind numbing clerical jobs accumulating all sorts of knowledge that, in hindsight, has been useful the way the kind of knowledge that helps you win Trivial Pursuit games is useful.

Today we ventured to the Aquatic Centre on Beach Avenue for an aquafit class just like old times.

It made me really happy to look across the pool and see her tiny 5'2" self splashing away as if 10 years had never happened.

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