" SpiritofSaltSpring:BC:Canada:GulfIslands:SaltSpring:Salt Spring:

December 14, 2009

Stream of Consciousness Colour

Sometimes when I see this type of luscious colour, it makes me wish I could dive into it and through one of the flower petals, find an opening to the most magical world just on the other side of the street; one I'd never noticed until now.
When I die, wrap me in this type of colour. Lay it at my feet so I may cross a rising stream and stay dry. See it blowing softly, flapping in the breeze. Let me wrap it round me and pretend that I am thin again. It's the colour that fuels dreams. Countries we wish we could visit. Exotic fish swimming in blue seas. Love, brand new with infinite possibilities.  Children taking their first tippy steps. Riding a bike for the first time and keeping your balance. Seeing old friends who always help you feel that everything's going to be okay. A smile. Excitement. Pleased.

What's your favorite colour and why? Tell me.