-Iona Beach Regional Park, March 2008
Okay kids. Listen up. We're going to play a little game. See that poll over there on the sidebar? The one where I asked you what 1 thing you would take to the deserted island. I gave you some choices. Well, bless your little hearts. Nine,count'em 9 of you have played with me. Yeaaa. Somebody IS out there. ET did call home.
But, now it gets better. I want to know why you chose the way you did from the list: Your best friend. Family. Johhny Depp. Matches. Scarlett Johannsen. A Mensa member. iPod. Because, here's the catch. You all assumed, probably, (because you watched too much Gilligan's Island as kids), that we'd be spending forever out there on that deserted island. WRONG. First of all, where on the friggin planet IS there a deserted island (especially one that Survivor hasn't already tracked down?) We got infrared. GPS. Satellites. We're lucky if we get a few hours of peace without the US military sendin' in the paratroupers.
That's why I chose Johhny Depp. If it's only one night. I want to spend it with someone I don't know since I already know what I know about those of you I know.
But, I notice your choices and it warms my heart to think that one of you actually chose matches. I think I know who that is. That's gotta be a male. No creepin to the other side on the Kinsey continuum for him. All male. I actually KNOW someone THAT practical? Who knew?
So what's your story? Why did you choose the way you did? Don't go gettin' all nervous. You get to stay anonymous! Nobody's going to find out who you are ya little wallflower.
Anyway, tell us why you chose the way you did. What was the thinking behind your choice. All you have to do is write it in the comments section. Choose anonymous from the little choices. It's the one at the bottom of the comment form.
Maybe you chose family because you have something really important to discuss with your mother-in-law. Maybe you chose your husband because he's a workaholic and it's the only way you could get him alone for a few hours. Maybe you chose someone who drives you nuts and you think, if only you were stuck together on a deserted island you would have to work it out. Tells us why you chose the way you did. Maybe you chose the way you did because let's face it, the choices sucked. ha. Work with me here...it will be fun.
Click on comment. Keep it short (says she who never does). Keep it anonymous. This sandbox is big enough for all of us wallflowers. Really!