I love watching the Vancouver Sun Run. That's right. I said watching. I've walked it twice in the past. But, with 59,000 participants, and me not being big into crowds, it's, for me, a spectator sport. Besides, I can't run 10K. Yet.
I woke up at 8:49 this morning, jumped out of bed, and managed to be down at the end of Robson, camera in hand, just in time to catch the first wave. The gun went off at 9:00 am. The temperature was 2 degrees according to the news but at least it wasn't raining, or snowing.
The first wave of legs was moving incredibly fast led by two Kenyans, one of whom must have been the winner crossing the finish line at just under 28 minutes.
I love the way the Run attracts everyone. People in costume. People who look like they deserve a medal just for showing up. People in wheelchairs. Teams dressed up in wierd hats. A UBC chemistry professor I once typed manuscripts for in the 80s. A Japanese man with a Dr. Seuss hat. Muslim women with their head scarves the only parts of their bodies not wrapped in Nike gear. And,even a guy completely wrapped in white from head to toe with a sign that said Sun. Run. Mum. (Look carefully at the photo above and you'll see him).
But, the participant who really caught my attention was the older gentleman who looked as if he had been on an early pilgrimage towards the Calgary Stampede and he just happened to get caught up in the run. He didn't even have a number but he was there. Present. Cowboy hat and all.