It was a spectacular morning this morning. Before I went to work, I wandered around the little village of Ganges a bit and managed to snap these photos.
There was a very optimistic feeling in the air. It's like I caught a glimpse of the magic of Salt Spring sprinkled like fairy dust with the sunshine to help us after this long, cold winter remember what it was that attracted us here in the first place.
I walked past the Coast Guard Station and wandered down on the dock to capture the sparkling off the water, those islands in the distance. The yellow wheelbarrow, my favorite photo of the bunch really, because it just so signifies Spring, was sitting outside Mouat's Hardware looking so fantastically supercalafragilistic yellow that I wanted to buy it just to wheel it around.
Then, I walked past Nature's Path, a health food store, and those oranges were just sitting out front and for a split second I imagined that I was in the Yucatan or somewhere tropical.
I love the way the ramp leading down to the dock seems to set off the little white rowboat and the juxtaposition of the Salt Spring Air float plane with the little red, blue and white boat in the water hinting at different modes of water transport.
I hope wherever you are when you read this that you had a spectacular day today as well, one that helped remind you that Spring is just around the corner. Thank God!