She's a beautiful person, physically and emotionally. She has a way of speaking in which the words run into each other and somehow by the time she reaches the end of what she wants to communicate in a very stream-of-consciousness manner, it all makes perfect sense, articulate and poetic.
She told me a wonderful story about how when she was young, 21 or 22, her husband and her owned a storefront photography shop. She was doing photography but she hated it because it was nothing like the kind of photography that she'd had in mind. So, one day, really broke, with $4.98 in her pocket she went to the store and she saw the most beautiful Calla lillies. She really had to debate about spending the $4.98 on something as frivolous as flowers but she did. When she went home, she set them up under a skylight and photographed them for hours. She felt really, really guilty "wasting time" on something so "artistic" when they needed money. Her little toddler was yanking at her pantleg while she was taking shot after shot.
To make a long story short, around about the same time she was selling art cards that she'd made by hand. This was in Northern California. A publisher happened to see her cards and as a result of that her photography and the connection with the publisher ended up paying the mortgage for five years.
I really like her and I think I have a lot to learn from her. So, because I have very little to say today, let me share with you the work of these two artists.
While I was at Amy's house, I met this other artist. He's from Korea and as you can see from his website, his ceramic work is magical, precise, fun and creations that will help you dream yourself into your very own personal fairytale.
Meet Amy and Byungjoo