In the light, happiness.
Golden and steady,
shining natural beauty
outside in.
I went for a walk tonight in Duck Creek Park. I hadn't been there for a couple of months and the light was spectacular. The grasses were freshly cut and the evening sun glinted the gold from the straw like fluorescence. If every sad person could be there for just 10 minutes surely their mood would shift, even if just a little.
I watched furtively from the taller grasses as I had to take a pee and noticed the robins, stalking, the hay their sea.
I inspected the Ford tractor and heard a car stop. A boy yelled, "Dad" and then a car door slammed. I walked to the road but there was no one there. Just a deer grazing, further down Sunset drive.
One thought crossed my mind. Why had it taken me so long to find where I belong?