Went to Fernwood Dock last night. The water was perfectly calm. It was so quiet. An eagle was perched on the top of one of the evergreens on the beach. An otter was playing by itself not that far from the dock and you could hear its splashing. It was heaven.
Later, I went to Raven Street Cafe for dinner. The salad was made of greens picked that day from their back garden with generous amounts of smoked salmon on top decorated with three edible nastursiams that had a peppery bite to them and topped off by their home-made miso dressing. Yum! The food seems to be getting better here as long as you know where to go and where not to go! I'd give it a 7/10. They need some classical music or light jazz. Sometimes they have live music. Ran into Harry Burton and his wife of Appleluscious.