This is the infamous Pauline.
Baker. Gardener. Mother. Garage Sale hunter. Animal lover. Amateur Ornithologist. Chef. Sailor. Interior decorator. Flute player. Shopaholic. All round wheeler-dealer and a thousand other things I haven't even learned about yet.
The other day she called me early in the morning to ask me if I wanted her to bring me lunch. What are you supposed to say to that? Well, if you're me, you put out the feeble, perfunctory, "You don't have to do that" and then very quickly you add, "but if you want to". I mean who am I to deprive you of the pleasure of giving. Sure. Come on down.
So, come noon, I leave the office and walk the 4 minutes over to the boardwalk at the dock. I see her coming down the dock. She's all dressed up in a beautiful summer outfit that accents her blue eyes as if she's meeting like an important date or something. Are you going somewhere? I asked.
We walk over to the bench. I sit down like I'm royalty. She opens her large bag and begins to whip out the delicacies. But, first the tablecloth. Must put the tablecloth down on the bench. Wouldn't want to get our pretty frock dirty. It's a sweltering 30 degrees or at least it feels like it.
Do you like homemade lemonade? she asks as she whips out a tupperware jug. Do I like home-made lemonade? With real cut-lemons floating on THE top I note.
She then takes out the wraps. She carefully unwraps something that she just whipped up. It has a special name. It's full of flax bread and 8 eggs (my heart skips a beat - literally), artichokes, tomatoes and it's delicious. It's a 2 inch high quiche-like thing with a fancy french name that of course I can't remember.
We sit and eat and chat and watch a search and rescue helicopter flying low as if it's looking for someone or practising.
Because I only get a quick 30 minutes, soon it's time for the finale. Would you like some coconut cheesecake she says as she whips the top off another plastic container. Are you trying to kill me? I ask, seriously. It's like a Jim Croce song, "Killing me softly..." Cheesecake. So smooth. With delicate, coconut strands on top.
That's Pauline. She'd had the garden club around the day before and had made enough food for the US embassy in France. I got the leftovers which are, lets face it, 110%more succulent and mouthwatering than almost everything I've ever made in my entire life.
Anyway, there is just something so fantastic about having someone look after you in the way Pauline looks after me and I think she knows how much I appreciate it. But, in case she doesn't, I do. It's fantastic. I love it. You are so giving and loving. How did I get so lucky to have you come into my life? Thank you. If I wasn't too old to have a first born, I'd want you to be its grandma-ma. Merci and Kiitos and Thank you in every language there is. You`re a rugged individualist, one of a kind and I`m so glad you live here and that I`ve gotten to know you.