" SpiritofSaltSpring:BC:Canada:GulfIslands:SaltSpring:Salt Spring:

April 30, 2008

Spring at Last

-tulips in the Stanley Park Rose garden, April 2008

Credit your source of inspiration

Look for the extraordinary in the ordinary

Surprise your mom with fresh flowers

Sit in the grass

Start where you are

Find a fountain and make a wish

- the above sayings taken from the book called Instant Karma from Barbara Ann Kipfer


Ananda Prada said...

The first thing I wanted to do was to thank the author for making such a beautiful blog! No one could have done it better! Thank you very much for the pictures which are on the page. They are splendid! I will surely add your blog to my links and will always visit the web page you’ve created!

Gayle Mavor said...

Thank you very much! Your comments brightened my day immensely.